Monday, April 02, 2007

MaxAdventure Training Weekend

It was a glorious weekend around Narabeen Lake, sunny, but not uncomfortable with a nice breeze. Ive been waiting for this weekend for ages. It was a weekend where I got to improve my Adventure Racing techniques and put them into practice. There was a mix of levels there, 2 of us has some previous experience and the rest were basically beginners.

Saturday was mostly a day of theory, Navigation techniques, Mountain bike skills and Kayaking. the day culminated in a mini night course.

Sunday is where were put it all together in a Adventure Challenge. 13 controls (1 kayak, 7 Bike and 5 trekking). th course took us across Narabeen lake, over Oxford Falls and around Cromer (Red Hill). Our team did well, only really having trouble on the last running control. We finished in 4hr1min, second was 30mins behind.

Thanks Kim and Ben a great experience.