Well, today was a supposed to be a nice ride after a 3 week break, but ended up involving a face plant, an ambulance, xrays, injections, stitches and a 4 hour stay at Nepean Hopsital.
After a later than expected start, we (Alastair, Nick and I) arrived at Glenbrook Train Station at 8:15 to find that trains had ben stopped due to track work. So we had do catch the rail buses, finally starting our ride from Woodford at 9AM.

Nick's attempt.
Alastair's Attempt... he did get it eventually.
The good run :-)
Considering what was to come this was nothing at all.

While there were a few spills on the ride to date (by all of us), I was about to set the bar oh so high... On the single track heading back to the Glenbrook range station, my front wheel caught it self on a rock or tree root and stopped suddnely, however I was still moving at about 30km/hr and keep right on moving. Some may say I was fortunate enough to cushion my fall with my face/head (being the most dense part of my body), landing on the right hand side of my face. I busted my helment and riding glasses (never ride without them, they'll save your life). I was able to sit myself up pretty much straight away, but the blood in my mouth and running off my face didn't forbode well. From the look on Nick's face it must have looked pretty bad.
I'm pretty sure this is one achivement that Nick won't be trying to top... well not just yet anyway.
The guys from the NSW Ambulance Service (Springwood) were great, they came patched me up for the ride to the hospital. Al and Nick were great, as was a good samaritan rider who helped out with getting our bikes and Al's car back to Sydney.
Finally back home. One hell of a day, but considering all the things that could have happened to me, I consider myself very luck (although probably much poorer, once the medical bills start to arrive). I think I may go for a ride Next Sunday? :-) Stay tuned.