Saturday, December 27, 2008

Seasons Greetings

Seasons greetings to you all. I hope you have a relaxing and safe
Christmas and New Years break :-)....

Bring on 2009


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

SSS so far....

SSS12 - Balmoral Beach - Mosman

Seasons greetings, I always knew that were going to be hills and
stairs on this run. Just before the run there was a brief down pour,
but it wasn't that bad. Penalties were always going to come into play
for this run, it was just a matter of how many. The temptation of
heading out to control 30 (out on a coast rock shelf) was too great,
and worth the view and points lost. :-) ...

But like all good things I did pay! 70 points in fact... so after
collecting 450 it was adjusted and i recorded 380. Slightly in my
defence though, I was a bit stiff after a couple of days of heavy
exercise. :-)

Next Week: Roseville Chase.

SSS1: 370 (71)
SSS2: 430 (73)
SSS3: 350 (67)
SSS4: 410 (76)
SSS5: 410 (69)
SSS6: 320 (67)
SSS7: 410 (73)
SSS8: 420 (67)
SSS9: 400 (74)
SSS10: 270 (58)
SSS11: 430 (84)
SSS12: 380

Thursday, December 18, 2008

SSS11 Brush Farm - Eastwood

After my forgettable result last week a measure of redemption was
required, and some was achieved. On a sunny and hot evening, the hilly
course of Lambert Park (Eastwood) delivered 430 points (20 points penalty included)
to yours truly. The course was well laid out and made for a smooth
run. Next week we're off to Balmoral, lets hope my form still holds,
we're entering the interesting part of the contest now where, it's a case
of improving on the efforts of the first half. Only the best 12
results are counted out of the 26 events.

SSS1: 370 (71)
SSS2: 430 (73)
SSS3: 350 (67)
SSS4: 410 (76)
SSS5: 410 (69)
SSS6: 320 (67)
SSS7: 410 (73)
SSS8: 420 (67)
SSS9: 400 (74)
SSS10: 270 (54)
SSS11: 430

Next Week: Balmoral Beach - Mosman

Thursday, December 11, 2008

SSS10 - Morrisons Bay - Putney

The event last night would have the be the least enjoyable this
year... it rained.. the control locations were questionale and the
clue descriptions?! So I'm hoping everyone else struggled as much as
I. I only managed 280 (20 point penalty). I don't think I'll be
counting this one to my total.

SSS1: 370 (71)
SSS2: 430 (73)
SSS3: 350 (67)
SSS4: 410 (76)
SSS5: 410 (69)
SSS6: 320 (67)
SSS7: 410 (73)
SSS8: 420 (67)
SSS9: 400 (74)
SSS10: 270

Happy Trails.


Next Week: Eastwood

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Urban Polaris 08 - Canberra

Back in Canberra for the 2008 Urban Polaris. This year there wasn't a solo category so I had to rope in a mate (and fellow Polaris rider) Mark. We were very thankful that we had a 8:10 start and with 7hours to collect as many controls as possible we were due back by 15:10.

It was a hot and windy day, but a great day to be riding.

We managed to collect 330 points, mark and I were very happy with that result. Bring on 2009!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

SSS9 - Majors Bay - Concord West

It was a hot and windy run yesterday and very close to work which was
nice. In fact I would end up run past my office. Once again I was a
tad over 5mins late, so it was a 60 point penalty,but still stayed in
the 400's. It was a pretty long run, unfortunately there wasn't too
many course options available. I've seemed to plateau, I'm hoping I'll
get the kick up to the next level soon.

Happy trails.

SSS1: 370 (71)
SSS2: 430 (73)
SSS3: 350 (67)
SSS4: 410 (76)
SSS5: 410 (69)
SSS6: 320 (67)
SSS7: 410 (73)
SSS8: 420 (67)
SSS9: 400

Next week: Putney