Sunday, June 25, 2006

My First MTB-O (Mountain Bike Orienteering)

This was my first attempt at orienteering on a bike. Al was nice enough to ride along with me, save me from getting lost, not that it was really going to be an issue, as the course was based at Olympic Park (Homebush). Essentially the course required you to go to each checkpoint sequentially (14 points) usually at quick as you can, this covered about 20kms.

You can check out the results and see how I did.


Friday, June 23, 2006

27 Days to go!

One visa has been obtained, one to go!

After a setback to my training regime a couple of weeks ago, I had my first "Boot Camp" hit up this morning and it appears things are back on track. With a mixture of swimming, boxercise, boot camp, gym and cycling over the next 20 odd days, things are looking good.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

30 Days to go before the adventure begins!

30 days and counting ... watch this space.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Loftus Ride (04/06/06)

Today we were off to Loftus and the Royal National Park.

We found Chris looking for a missing glove, which he had already spent 30 minutes looking for. It's a good thing we had Al with us.

Al and Chris engaged in an intellectual sparring match.

CBD Soical Ride - Menai (28/05/06)

Hugh from, the City Bike Depot (CBD) organised a social ride for Sunday the 28/05/06, that also included having a go on some of the demo bikes. I had a go at the dual suspension Santa Cruz, sweet ride, now I only have to come up with the $6000 to pay for it. It was an area that I hadn't been previously, around Lucus Heights. Still getting used to being back on the bike i took it fairly easy.

Picking Nick up at 8AM, we head to Lucus Heights to meet Hugh at 9AM.

Hugh our intrepid leader

A self portrait

Chris chowing down

Hugh making a quick modification to Cannondale Prophet

A bite to eat after a enjoyable morning ride.