With the Rugby League World Cup match on at Parramatta happening at
the same time as this weeks run, finding a park was added to the usual
issue with navigating around Parramatta's CBD. The course was pretty
much divided up the middle by the Parramatta River. So it was to be a
run up one side and down the other pretty much. A couple of over
shoots saw me loose a couple of minutes here and there, The clock
stopped at 51mins plus a couple of seconds, so there was a 70 point
penalty waiting for me. But even with the penalty I still managed to
sneak over the 400 mark with 410 points.
SSS1: 370 (71)
SSS2: 430 (73)
SSS3: 350 (67)
SSS4: 410 (76)
SSS5: 410Next Week:
Manns Point Greenwich