24th January, Folly Point, Primrose Park, Young Street, Cremorne.
It was an overcast evening and the threat of rain, but in the end it didn't eventuate. The air tempreture was perfect for running. This particular course was set to hurt you, there were plenty of hills and spread out controls, no easy points on this one.
Again my plan was to head to the furthest point and work my way back collecting the controls along the way. Climbing out of the start (Primrose Park) point was tough, but once the heart rate came down below 200bpm :-), now settling into a nice rhythm this allowed me to focus more on my navigation, although I did start to second guess myself a couple of times the overall effort was good.
In the end, I came home with 2 mins to spare and collected 260 points, even more surprising I manage to pip Nick and Alastair this time. Next week we're off to Telopea (wherever that is?).

It was an overcast evening and the threat of rain, but in the end it didn't eventuate. The air tempreture was perfect for running. This particular course was set to hurt you, there were plenty of hills and spread out controls, no easy points on this one.
Again my plan was to head to the furthest point and work my way back collecting the controls along the way. Climbing out of the start (Primrose Park) point was tough, but once the heart rate came down below 200bpm :-), now settling into a nice rhythm this allowed me to focus more on my navigation, although I did start to second guess myself a couple of times the overall effort was good.
In the end, I came home with 2 mins to spare and collected 260 points, even more surprising I manage to pip Nick and Alastair this time. Next week we're off to Telopea (wherever that is?).