Monday, October 29, 2007

Anderson's Fire Trail

After ages wanting to ride the trail, I finally managed to coordinate a ride with Dan and Al to do the trail and then the "Oak's" yesterday. It was great riding a trail for the first time and after hearing others speak about it, it didn't disappoint.
We met at Glenbrook Station and 8AM and hoped on the train to Wentworth Falls. As this was the first time we've kicked off a ride from here we took a little time to correctly orient ourselves. After finding King Tableland road, we headed off in earnest. The trail is basically a 4wd track (no single track here) and it was a nice smooth clear run all (Al had his first puncture along here) the way down to the beginning of "Murphy's Firetrail" and the infamous climb out from the creek. There were plenty of words spoken here and sweat perspired. Dan struck mechanical issues with his chain losing a link. So after shortening his chain, we were off again.
By the time we reached Woodford, Al was pretty much spent (too much decadent living coming to the fore) and with Dan's mechanical issues, it was decided to catch the train back to Glenbrook instead risking complete mechanical failure halfway along the Oaks. But even though our ride was cut short it was a good day, and we're looking forward to doing it all again.
Happy trails.