Wednesday, July 12, 2006

9 Days to go! Woo Hoo.

Agtny bied gazar uz (While horse is strong travel to see places), this proverb will give you a hint where we're headed.

Well not long now to the BIG TRIP... D-Day 21.07.06 is approaching like a frieght train, not enought time to do everything at work so I'm busy prioritising as best as I can, busy worrying about what to take. I'm busily clocking up the km's on the road, I've even got my sister Cal out there too. Well I guess she'd better, she's coming along too. It's time to catch up with our other adventure partners Tone and Coll, "the john dory" is that they've been undertaking a rather intensive training reigme, but i think that might lose the fitness edge on they're 2 weeks break in Thialand. This is our chance to catch up.