Saturday, September 08, 2007

Camping and Hot Springs

Like all great camping trips, it was decided to go camping (the next day) after a couple of drinks at about midnight.

Part of the deal was to also check out some natural hot springs that the guys had visited a couple of years previously. So at midday the following day we headed down to Harisson lake. It was a beautiful spot, perfect weather. Then after a quick dinner we head off at abotu 8PM to the springs somewhere in the mountains. Well the fact that the others hadn't been there for a couple of years was going to play a factor in the trip. What should have taken us 45mins or so, to get to ended up taking 2hrs. But it was certainly worth it. The springs had been setup by some locals and it was great. We finally dragged ourselves away and made it home by 2-3am. A great time was had by all. Sorry international rules apply here, so that's all your getting. :-)